
May 04, 2012

Please Pass the Parfait

Today while talking with a co-worker, I mentioned how I love McDonald's dollar menu. I truly feel some odd sense of pride when I drive away having only ordered $2.00 worth of food for both my son and I (frugal or cheap discussion inserted here). Later in the day that same co-worker brought me a bag from McDonalds.  I opened it only to find a favorite item off the dollar menu!  My heart was so delighted and somewhat giddy in this treat (yes yogurt can make me giddy).  This unexpected kind gesture had made my afternoon.
This made me reflect on kindness.  I'm sure we all have made attempts to do something nice for somebody once a day.  It has yet to become a habit but of course this helps to switch the attention off ourselves and onto the welfare of others.  However, how often do we consciously focus on the kind things that were done for us once a day?  Did we notice that somebody held the door for us at the Post Office?  Or that while merging lanes in traffic somebody waved us on instead of giving us the bird.  Do we acknowledge the compliment somebody extended to us and value its sincerity? This is where our thoughts need to be. Focused of the kind acts instead of concentrating on how rude people have been.  We tend to get consumed with the ladder and complain about everything.  When we are focused on the kindness or others our days will because brighter and we more than likely will pass this kindness on. The bad experiences quickly will dissipate into the past.  We remember what we CAN do for others and how we can spread that joy just as it has been done for us. Thank you Bryan for this kind gift.  It truly helped me remember the value of $1.00.

Now to find somebody who can appreciate a hash brown as much as I do.   My second favorite item of the dollar menu.

May 01, 2012

3 cheers and tips for Pinterest

Pinterest has been an answer to my prayers.  Of course figuratively it has and not literally.  I haven't been praying nightly for a way to categorize my digital finds.  But if I had, I would know God hears my prayers and wants me to be happy.  I'm sure it was somebody elses prayer He answered and I am the fortunate beneficiary.

Before all this Internet hype, I would take tear pictures from magazines and put them in a folder for future reference.  Later, I would find myself reposting on a blog (which I still do as well) because my folder was and still is busting at the seams.  Now I find that whenever I think of it, I can go to pinterest to look at my vision board,  books I want to read or track what prayers have actually been answered.  It is my list of lists. I'm not so much a pinterest browser but rather a pinterest pinner.  I still read blogs through readers, surf the web for needed answers and research everything I do and buy.  Hence the happiness with Pinterest.  I pin what I like wherever I find it.  I definitely know of several improvements they could make and still don't understand how they make money, but that is a post for another day. (but if you know how they make money let me know) So, if you're not pinning then get too it.  Here are three tips for you

1.  Use it as a resource and not a time waster.  The internet sucks our time and pinterest may yet be another time warp. Don't let it happen to you... ....except for maybe Rainy Days and Mondays.
2.  Like things rather than pin.  You can still find what you liked but don't have to clutter your boards with stuff you really don't want to see again or won't find useful in a category.
3.  It doesn't matter who you follow.  Follow interesting people you may not even know that are original pinners.  It will expand your horizons. For some people Pinterest is the new twitter....but without words...and with cool pictures.....because reading is the lazy thing to do now days.